Flight Log - 2024-04-06 - Hans "Chris" Michielssen's Custom Solar Explorer
Flight Date: 2024-04-06
Rocket Name: Custom Solar Explorer
Flyer's Name: Hans "Chris" Michielssen
Motors: C6-5
Expected Altitude: 600 Feet
Launch Site: Orlando R.O.C.K.
Wind Speed: 5.00 mph
1Estes C6-5


I wasn't worried about losing this one - the BT-50 tube was crimped above the engine mount from an earlier hard landing.

After reaching an altitude around 600', the winds blew it into the trees just South of the flight line.

Lost! I really need to thin the heard anyway.

Custom Solar Explorer, Estes C6-5, ROCK monthly, 4-6-2024 LOST


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