Flight Log - 2024-05-30 - John Simmons's (BAR-12) P-40 Warhawk Odd-Roc
Flight Date: 2024-05-30
Rocket Name: (BAR-12) P-40 Warhawk Odd-Roc
Flyer's Name: John Simmons
Motors: E20-4
Expected Altitude: 496 Feet
Launch Site: Local
Wind Speed: 4.00 mph
Wind Direction: From the E
1Aerotech E20-4


Launch Report: P-40 Warhawk Model Rocket

Date: 2024-05-30


  • This is the maiden launch of this rocket

On Site Preparations

  • I used a Nomex chute protector for this rear eject spool design.
  • For a parachute I used a 28” Nylon chute.
  • This launch used a E20-4W Composite motor. This is Aerotech’s “White Lightning” propellant.
  • The supplied Aerotech igniter was used.
  • The rocket was slid onto the 5/16" launch rod and the controller wires were attached to the igniter leads.


  • Wind was out of the East and was about 4 mph at the most.
  • John stated the sky was clear - launch site was clear and did the countdown: 5-4-3-2-1. Teresa pushed the button on the launch controller.
  • The motor ignited and the rocket leaped off the pad. It flew stable, deployed the chute, and was recovered 329 feet West of the lunch horse.

Condition of rocket after the flight

  • The rocket was uninjured and in-flight ready condition.


  • This rocket has a calculated stability of 0.002 calibers. With the base drag hack it has a calculated stability of 1.04. 
  • A string swing test was performed and the rocket passed that test.

What I learned

  • This was an awesome flight. Straight as an arrow up, and a nice gentle recovery.
P-40 Warhawk Odd-Roc


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