Rocketry Club: 4 Corners Rocketry Association
4CRA September Rockets with High Power Shred 20170902 (2017-09-03)4 Corners Rocketry Association September flights. First rocket was a Markarian 231 on an Aerotech 1500 Mojave Green that successfully flew to 16000' and landed close to the launch site. The second ... [View]
July 4th Madcow Nike Smoke Rocket on an Aerotech J415 (2020-07-06)July 4th rockets at the 4 Corners Rocketry Association launch. Madcow Nike Smoke launched on an Aerotech J415 motor to 6425' AGL. Video from several angles including an on-board Mobius camera angled ... [View]
MadCow ToMach Level 2 Certification Flight 20170701 4CRA (2017-07-03)National Association of Rocketry Level 2 Certification flight at the 4CRA monthly launch. The rocket is a MadCow 2.6" Fiberglass ToMach with an extended nose cone to hold a GoPro. Flight was on a ... [View]