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All Videos by 4FlyRockets

Frenzy Massive Level 3 Certification Flight (2014-01-18)

A model rocket from Madcow Rocketry called \'Frenzy Massive\'. This was my level 3 certification attempt flying on a Cesaroni M-1560 White Thunder. Flight occu...

Little John Model Rocket (2014-01-18)

Greg Eilers level 1 attempt with a Little John rocket from Madcow Rocketry. It flew on a Aerotech H242 Blue Thunder at the monthly JMRC launch held at Hornin...

V2 (2011-11-04)

A large model rocket of a V2 flying as part of the joint launch between the Jackson, MI. and Muskegon, Mi. clubs. It flew on a central Loki M2550 and two L630's.

Veeger - Aerotech K540W - CATO (2011-05-29)

A scratch-built model rocket named 'Veeger' from the Star Trek 1 movie. It flew on an Aerotech K540W which CATOed not long after leaving the pad. Flight occurred as part of the Muskegon Michigan Rocket Club's May monthly launch.

X-Ray Model Rocket (2014-01-18)

Todd Vest's scratch-built seven times upscale rocket of an Estes X-Ray. It flew on an AeroTech K-700 White Lightning at DuRussel's Potato Farm near Mancheste...