Flight Log - 2015-07-26 - Rick Barnes's Advanced Target Drone

This is clone I recently built of the Estes 1903 Advanced Target Drone.  The only real departure from the original kit is the use of a BNC-50X nose cone instead of a PNC-50X, which isn't readily available anymore.  That meant I set a steel weight into the nose cone in front of a maple dowel rather than stuffing clay into a plastic part, but the end result is essentially the same.  Finished in Rustoleum 2X Paprika paint and Excelsior decals.  Now waiting for spring to fly.  In the meantime, I've started kitting up parts to build a BT70-based upscale...

Flight Date: 2015-07-26
Rocket Name: Advanced Target Drone
Kit Name: Estes - Advanced Target Drone {Kit} (1913) [1983-1985]
Flyer's Name: Rick Barnes
Motors: B6-4
Launch Site: Torrey Farm, Potter, NY
Actual Altitude: 600 Feet

Good launch, cracked the ventral fin on landing.

1Estes B6-4


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