"Don't You Dare" Level 3 Certification Attempt on Loki M3000 at AIRfest 16 (2010-11-27)Rocket aptly named after my son's warning to me about my shenanigans. This rocket went to 17,000ft altitude, maximum speed of 1044mph, at an estimated Mach 1.4. This is a slideshow of the c ... [View]
AIRFest 18 and drake (2012-09-05)Demise of the Drake... [View]
"Pink Journey" for Breast Cancer Awareness flown on an Aerotech K375NW, Madcow Rocketry DX3 Masive. (2015-10-28)Pink Journey is a rocket that I built to help bring awareness to breast cancer. It was an idea that came to me when I was finding a way to help raise money for an "It’s the Journey” ... [View]
AIRFest 26 | Largest High Power Rocket Launch of 2020 (Part 2) (2020-09-23)Subscribe for more rocketry content! http://rocketvlogs.com In this video, the Anti Gravity Group takes on AIRFest 26 in Argonia, Kansas. I finally get my level 3 certification out of the way and ... [View]
Airfest 26 | Largest High Power Rocket Launch of 2020 Trailer (2020-09-09)Subscribe for more rocketry content! http://rocketvlogs.com I trekked once again to Argonia Kansas for the Kloudbusters Rocket Club's annual AIRFest rocket launch. [View]
Banshee Airfest 24 2018 Video (2018-09-03)Launch of my "Banshee" rocket on Sept 1, 2018 at the Kloudbusters Airfest 24 launch [View]
CTI O3400 launch Airfest 20 (2014-09-04)28,882 feet in altitude. 1.61 mach. Landed within 2 miles of pad. Rocket called ""O" My" [View]
Gunner Big Spool F70 (2020-09-18)Cool Flight of Gunner Big Spool on an F-70 From AirFest 18 DVD [View]
Kloudbusters Airfest 24 (2018) (2019-01-22)Kloudbusters Airfest 24 (2018) FRIDAY: Jason G. 6" Demon, 98/12.5K John LOKI M-1969 Chuck S. Competitor 5 M-2200 Chris T. CTI J-354 GPS flight test Preston N. Intimidator 4 M-1250 John C. Spool ... [View]
My flight at Airfest 23 (2017-09-18)I still haven't named this rocket, but she continues to treat me well with a new personal altitude record -- 15,940' at Mach 1.18. [View]
ROCKETS Magazine AirFest 18 Drake (2014-04-02)Arizona Rocketry Team's 12X upscale FlisKit Drake on an O5000 at AirFest 18 [View]
Wayne's Level Three Launch of Red Tail Extreme 8-29-2014 at Airfest XX (2014-09-05)Airfest XX Level Three Launch [View]