Future 5000 x: Pyrotechnic main parachute release device (2015-04-09)A pyrotechnic parachute release device was made according to the “tender descender” principle. See tinderrocketry.com for the commercially available models and more information on how ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Jolly Logic Chute Release Owners Manual (2016-01-18)Courtesy of Randy at asp-rocketry.com - You can see the new Jolly Logic Chute Release Owners Manual: CLICK HERE This is a game changer! [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Testing the Jolly Logic Chute Release (2016-01-31)A few months back John Beans at Jolly Logic announced he was working on a new product - a device that could release a parachute at a specified altitude without using explosive charges, called the ... [Read More]
Rocket N00b: Sims, Chute Releases and New Books on The Rocketry Show! (2016-02-23)The latest episode of The Rocketry Show is now up ! We started off talking about repairs and stability, then veered off into talking about rocket simulators - OpenRocket and RockSim. I was worried I ... [Read More]
Rocketeer's Corner: Syncing video with altimeter data... (2017-02-18)If you spend some time watching rocket vids on YouTube and other places you are bound to run across a few with the altitude, speed, and other data merged in with the flight video, often in a very ... [Read More]
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