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Flight Log - 2016-06-18 - Richard Holmes's Bad Cholesterol

Dual egglofter. Built for an informal duration contest, not that the design or construction made any concessions to duration other than being wide enough for a big parachute; didn't matter, anyway, because the contest got rained out. 24mm motor mount. Finish is Rustoleum 2X gloss white and black.

Flight Date: 2016-06-18
Rocket Name: Bad Cholesterol
Flyer's Name: Richard Holmes
Motors: C11-3
Launch Site: Syracuse Rocket Club (Weigand's Field)

Then I did fly the Bad Cholestoerol on a C11-3. This was a hitherto unflown configuration, with the smaller egg capsule's center section omitted to fly a single egg for the C egglofter duration contest. Roger had already gotten a great 1:04 time on a lightweight rocket with a wide Mylar chute that caught a thermal. Whereas I left my big Mylar chute at home out of forgetfulness, so stuffed in two TopFlight chutes, 18" and 15", for an I'm-just-looking-for-participation-points entry. Got a big big 19 seconds. Flight was good though.

1Estes C11-3


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