| ARK 1 - the club model rocket kit (2011-06-19)      This is a test flight of a model rocket that will be sold as a kit by our rocket club. The design is our own, and we will sell it with instructions written in Swedish. The name "ARK 1" comes from the club name (ARK is short for Ale raketklubb or Elder County Rocketclub)and the fact that this will be our first kit that "hit the market". We flew the prototype four times in a row on different motors. First flight on Estes B6-4 was a great flight. Slow liftoff, not owerly high and ejection at apogee. Perfect "school yard" motor! Second flight with an Weco (or Quest - take your pick as it is the same motor) C6-5 gave more altitude but a bit too long on the delay. Still a nice flight. Third flight on an Estes C6-5 was picture perfect with nice altitude and again ejection at apogee. Definitely not an motor for a windy day! The flight you see on the video is the "we got to see what happens"-flight on an Estes A8-3. As we will sell this one in kit form we wanted to know what happens if somebody tries to fly this rocket using too little power. It in fact turned out to be not so bad! Altitude must have been round 25-30 meters and the only reason it came down a bit too fast was that the chute did not come out as it should. I had packed it a bit sloppy... No damage to the rocket though as it landed softly in tall grass. My comment at the end of the video says that if you want to be careful about your model rocket, you should not fly it on too little a motor.
 | First flight of 24mm E-eX sugar motor (2011-06-03)      Here is a short video showing the first flight of my homebuilt 24mm sugar motor. Rocket owner Simon does the count down and pushes the button.
 | IRIS model rocket, BT70 (2012-06-29)      This is actually one of my first videos ever. (Or maybe that can be seen on my very shaky handling of the camera? LOL!) It is a clip showing my newest model rocket as it stands on it's display stand. The build took about 100 hours, including redesigning the decals so that they look close to the original. Still some decals are missing but those are in the mail. The rocket sports a 24mm MMT, and first flight will be on a RMS E18. More about the build here: http://www.rocketryforum.com/showthread.php?t=36914
 | Launching Miss Sweden (2011-06-28)      I had a visitor from the US, David Chance, and he actually had gone through the trouble bringing a rocket with him. The rockets name is "Miss Sweden" (he is married to a Swedish)and he flew it on a G64 redline. Personally I had never seen a G motor before, and it was awesome! You ever flown an Estes Alpha on a C motor? It took off just as fast, or faster! Beautiful flight and recovery. As there was almost no wind, you can hear the echo of the motor burn. Neat!