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Rocketry Glossary

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Bernoulli Lock

A phenomenon similar to the Krushnic Effect where the rocket seems to be "glued" to the pad at liftoff. This afflicts larger, flat-bottomed rockets launched too close to pads with flat blast deflectors. The exhaust gasses escape at great speed through the small annular space between the rocket and the pad creating a venturi which generates a low pressure region at the base. This pressure deficit can be significant, and if it is greater than the thrust being generated by the motor, the rocket won't go anywhere! This is quite possible as a 2" dia.rocket has, potentially, over 45 lbs (200 N) of "suction" available to hold it back, while a 3" rocket has over 100 lbs (460 N)! The old Centuri "Point" was an infamous Bernoulli locker when launched from an Estes Porta-Pad with its perfectly matching round blast deflector.


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