Flight Log - 2023-11-04 - Bill Eichelberger's Advanced Rocketry Group - Black Brant IVB-30 (Hawaii)

Flight Date: 2023-11-04
Rocket Name: Advanced Rocketry Group - Black Brant IVB-30 (Hawaii)
Kit Name: Advanced Rocketry Group - Black Brant IVB-30 (Hawaii) {Kit}
Flyer's Name: Bill Eichelberger
Motors: E12-6
Expected Altitude: 1,100 Feet
Launch Site: WSR Cornfield, Cedarville, OH
Wind Direction: From the SW
Temperature: 57 F
1Estes E12-6


Another typical flight. Boosted slightly right to 1100', then a long drift deep into the beans. No damage on recovery, but I realized that the ground likely caused the broken tip of the nose cone back in 2006 because of the nose down recovery.

Actual Altitude: 1,100 Feet


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