Flight Log - 2017-12-03 - Bill Eichelberger's Fishhead Rocketry - Golden Knight

BT-5 scratcher using Custom Metrix fins and an Estes Mosquito nose cone. Named for the local drum and bugle corp from back in my rocket days.

Flight Date: 2017-12-03
Rocket Name: Fishhead Rocketry - Golden Knight
Flyer's Name: Bill Eichelberger
Motors: 1/2A3-4
Expected Altitude: 300 Feet
Wind Speed: 2.00 mph
Launch Site: Fabulous B6-4 Field, Ft. Thomas, Kentucky
Actual Altitude: 300 Feet

Arced back over the school and recovered in the parking lot.  Asphalt landing damaged body tube near the top, but still flyable.

1MPC 1/2A3-M-4


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