MAC Performance Rocketry 4-Inch Black Fly (2018-07-07)HED with redundant Missile Works RRC3 altimeters reporting 6,921' and 6,930'. Missile Works T3 GPS tracker. [View]
MAC Performance Rocketry 4-Inch Black Fly (2018-10-06)Dual MissileWorks RRC3 altimeters reporting 12,828' 1,000 mph 12.1lbs on the pad 18 and 72" Spherachutes [View]
Tripoli Level 3 Certification Flight - MAC Performance Rocketry 6" Black Fly on an AeroTech M1297W (2019-05-05)36lbs on the pad, 7.5' tall 10,315' AGL, 600 mph AeroTech RMS 75/5120 M1297W NCR Club Launch @ Pawnee NG May the Fourth 2019 [View]