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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Clubs / Bluegrass Rocketry Society (BluesRockS)

 Rocketry Club: Bluegrass Rocketry Society

AA's NAR Level 1 Certification Flight, LOC-IV Rocket Maiden Flight , H125-9 Motor (2013-07-14)
This is the LOC-IV maiden flight and my successful Level 1 certification. The project was built for my NAR Level1 Certification flight. It was built as a zipperless design so I added a 6" baffle at ... [View]
PCS Sub Scale Testing (2013-02-18)
UofL University Student Launch Initiative tests our Parachute Control System on a half scale model. Big thanks to Bluegrass Rocketry Society for hosting the launch! [View]
CTI J449 at Bluesrocks launch (2013-08-12)
This was a scratch built rocket on a J499. Good flight. It was flown on 8-11-2013 at the Bluesrocks launch in Kentucky [View]