Shop @ RocketReviewsBMS Gyroc Model Rocket Kit Excellent performance and amazing recovery system make the unique Gyroc a "bird" you'll want to own. Its unusual design gives this rocket the ability to reach high altitudes and return safely with helicopter recovery for minimum drift with wind.
This is a "clone kit" which includes the parts for the rocket, but not the instructions. You can download the instructions from the internet.
Estes first introduced the Astron Gyroc in 1965. They produced it until 1983. In 1967, Estes offered it for "Free with a $5.00 order."
Instructions are at: ASINsRaw: AuthorRaw: Blade SpanRaw: CP MethodRaw: CP Position From FrontRaw: CP Position From RearRaw: DecalsRaw: Design (OpenRocket)Raw: Design (RockSim)Raw: Design (SpaceCad)Raw: DesignerRaw: DiameterRaw: Fin MaterialRaw: Fin SpanRaw: ImageRaw: LengthRaw: Main Body TubeRaw: Main Nose ConeRaw: Manufacturer: Estes ManufacturerRaw: Estes Model: 24 ModelRaw: 24 Motor SizeRaw: Nose Cone MaterialRaw: Original PriceRaw: Plan (Estes Instructions)Raw: Plan (JimZ)Raw: Plan (Other)Raw: Plan (YORP)Raw: PowerRaw: Product Type: Kit Product TypeRaw: Kit Production Years: 1965-1983 Production YearsRaw: 1965-1983 Recommended MotorsRaw: RecoveryRaw: Related ProductsRaw: ScaleRaw: Skill LevelRaw: StatusRaw: Out-Of-Production StyleRaw: TagsRaw: Family:Estes:Gyroc WeightRaw: Wing SpanRaw:
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