Shop @ RocketReviewsBMS Peter Alway Saturn V Model Rocket Kit Peter Alway, author of Rockets of the World, designed this 1:195 flying scale model of the mighty Saturn V. When assembled, this kit measures 22 inches tall and 2.042 inches in diameter. The kit includes drawings and photos of the real Saturn V and produces a faithful reproduction of the J-Mission of the Saturn V used for the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions.
ASINsRaw: AuthorRaw: Blade SpanRaw: CP MethodRaw: CP Position From FrontRaw: CP Position From RearRaw: Decals: Waterslide DecalsRaw: Waterslide Design (OpenRocket)Raw: Design (RockSim)Raw: Design (SpaceCad)Raw: Designer: Peter Alway DesignerRaw: Peter Alway Diameter: 2.0420 inches DiameterRaw: 2.0420 Fin Material: Balsa Fin MaterialRaw: Balsa Fin SpanRaw: ImageRaw: LengthRaw: Main Body TubeRaw: Main Nose ConeRaw: Manufacturer: Saturn Press ManufacturerRaw: Saturn Press Model: SAT-V ModelRaw: SAT-V Motor Size: 18 millimeters Motor SizeRaw: 18 Nose Cone Material: Balsa Nose Cone MaterialRaw: Balsa Original PriceRaw: Plan (Estes Instructions)Raw: Plan (JimZ)Raw: Plan (Other)Raw: Plan (YORP)Raw: Power: Low-Power PowerRaw: Low-Power Product Type: Kit Product TypeRaw: Kit Production YearsRaw: Recommended Motors: B4-4, B6-4, C6-5 Recommended MotorsRaw: B4-4, B6-4, C6-5 Recovery: Parachute RecoveryRaw: Parachute Related ProductsRaw: Scale: 1/195 ScaleRaw: 1/195 Skill Level: 3 Skill LevelRaw: 3 StatusRaw: Out-Of-Production Style: Scale StyleRaw: Scale TagsRaw: WeightRaw: Wing SpanRaw:
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