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Model Rocket Building Blog

Model Rocket Building Posts

Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / New Way / Kits / C-Thru

    New Way MMX C-Thru Build, Part 1, Parts (2020-07-26)
    This will be fun! A New Way square tube Micro Maxx kit with a clear payload section. This is a downscale of the regular sized New Way C-Thru rocket. The square tubes, clear "payload" section, nose ... [Read More]

    New Way MMX C-Thru Build, Part 2, More Parts (2020-07-27)
    Rick Randol must be a graphics designer. All the fins are in the shape of the "C" in the C-Thru name font. You are given four extra white fins. If you didn't want to finish it in black and white, ... [Read More]

    New Way MMX C-Thru Build, Part 3, "Tube"& Engine Mount (2020-07-28)
    On the left you can see the subtle ridges from the 3D print layers. They aren't bad, but I prefer things a little smoother. The tube walls are thick enough to allow some smooth sanding. Halfway ... [Read More]

    New Way MMX C-Thru Build, Part 4, Paint, Fins, Sticker & Streamer (2020-07-29)
    The 3D molded ridges were sanded smooth so the marker ink wouldn't run into the layer cracks. If you use a pen, the surfaces must be smooth. Go light with the sanding. A Sharpie marker was used for ... [Read More]

    New Way MMX C-Thru Build, Part 5, Launch Lug Fit (2020-07-30)
    The 3D launch lugs were too small a diameter to fit my Micro-Maxx launch rod. Not a big deal, I've seen this before. Usually a small rat tail file is used to open them up but the side walls on the ... [Read More]

    New Way MMX C-Thru Build, Finished (2020-07-31)
    This is a great kit! Highly recommended. 3D printing has come a long way. The molding ridge layers are so much smoother now. There is a clear payload section but you can't use it to carry a bug. All ... [Read More]

    Launch - Schoolyard Soccer Field, Jan 12, 2021 (2021-01-12)
    This is the Florida weather you wait for all year. Cold, clear with no morning wind. I get to try out the new copper micro clips and heavy duty blast deflector. I have two new small field ... [Read More]