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Carl Campbell's Page

AKA: Delta-IV

Location: Cocoa, FL

Certification Level: L1 NAR

Club Memberships: R.O.C.K.,NEFAR

Favorite Rockets: Delta-IV's


Started in rocketry way back in January 1968 after getting my Centuri Javelin as a Christmas present.

I came back to model rocketry big time in 2005 after getting my "Dream job" as a Senior Electrcial Test Engineer working on the real Delta IV rockets here at Cape Canaveral.

I obtained my NAR Level 1 High Power Cert and then started concentrating on kitting of my rockets starting with medium power. I produced my first lot of kits in the fall of 2009 and am starting to gear up for full-time production in 2011 with a new set of smaller low power versions. 


Please visit:  www.dfrtech.com   and www.jonrocket.com

Personal Home Page: http://www.delta-iv-rockets.com

Club Home Page: http://www.r-o-c-k.org



Rockets by Manufacturer / DFR Technologies


Looking towards the heavens


Carl Campbell