Chan Stevens's PageAKA: Chanstevens Location: Cincinnati OH Certification Level: L2 NAR Club Memberships: NAR-QUARK,Launch Crue Favorite Rockets: Mars Lander, Acme Spitfire, Saturn 1b, Saturn V Pages:
2023-10-22Semroc Lil' Centauri  Flight It arced somewhat and deployed very late; the shock cord separated and the nose cone returned under chute while the rest of the rocket tried to fly like the glider Carl McLawhorn based it on. A hard belly landing in the field broke two of the six fins. Will be repaired. - C6-5 - Fairfax Society of ... [More]
2013-01-24Scale Rocket Rivets and Bolts  Tip I was knee deep in building a Roachwerks Nike-Hercules and noticed the amazingly intricate detail included on the fin patterns for rivet and bolt locations, based on the Mike Dorffler scale data. I thought it was a shame to waste all that juicy information by just building with plain basswood ... [More]
2012-03-05Checkered Flag Models Salute (Kit)  Review
This is a fairly standard/conventional 3-fin 18mm BT-50-based model, but aimed slightly above the typical quick-build type kit. With excellent documentation, it offers an inexperienced builder the chance to slightly elevate the challenge and develop new skills as well as a better un ... [More]
2011-12-21Odd'l Rockets UP! Cup (Kit)  Review
If you're tired of fins or sanding/filling balsa, consider this simple odd roc from Odd'l Rockets. Consider it an extreme downscale of the Fliskits Espresso, it's a flying single foam cup. Not only is it capable of entertaining flights, but it can hold about 16 ounces of your favorite ... [More]
2011-12-17Odd'l Rockets Wedgie (Kit)  Review
A flying pyramid odd-roc with plenty of skin/decorating options...
I'll take the easy road and just post a concurring/second opinion to Dick's thorough review. I purchased my kit in the fall of 2011, and the components have not changed.
This is ... [More]
2011-12-14Semroc Trident (Kit)  Review
This is a retro-repro (modern day reproduction and enhancement of a classic kit) from Semroc. The original Astron Trident was introduced by Estes in 1968 and was a Gene Street design. It introduced a ducted ejection system that eliminated the need for recovery wadding, and was an instant ... [More]
2011-12-10Fliskits Mako Flight - D12-5 - TORC [More]
Odd'l Rockets Sputnik Flight - A10-3 - TORC [More]
Odd'l Rockets Up Cup Flight - C5-3 - TORC [More]
Odd'l Rockets Up Cup Flight - B6-4 - TORC [More]
Odd'l Rockets Wedgie Flight - B6-2 - TORC [More]
Semroc Trident Flight - C6-5 - TORC [More]
Semroc Cherokee-C Flight - B6-4 - TORC [More]
FlisKits Corona-2 Flight - B6-0/B6-6 - TORC [More]
Estes Comanche-3 Flight - D12-0/B6-0/A8-5 - TORC [More]
2011-02-09Semroc Scrambler (Kit)  Review
This is a Semroc retro-repro of the Estes Scrambler originally designed by Bill Simon in 1968. It's basically a stretched version of the 3x18 clustered Astron Ranger with a clear payload tube to accommodate an egg. The Semroc kit offers a few convenient upgrades--an ejection baffle ... [More]
2011-01-21Semroc Excalibur (Kit)  Review
This is a retro-repro of the 1972 Centuri model of the same name which was later introduced as a two-stage version called the Excalibur 2. Semroc's version holds close to the original, featuring Centuri-sized tubing, but replaces the plastic nose cone with a balsa one and upgrades the fins ... [More]
2011-01-20Semroc Vector-V (Kit)  Review
This is a retro-repro of the 1972 Centuri kit. The original featured die-cut fiber fins,which have been upgraded today to laser-cut mat board. Semroc has also supplied a beefier Kevlar/elastic shock cord and a balsa nose cone replacing the Centuri plastic cone.
... [More]
2011-01-12FlisKits Mystic (Kit)  Review
Sci-Fi design of an alien troop carrier, with a pair of high aspect ratio wings (fins) and some eye-catching craftsmanship challenges. Flies on 18mm A8-3, B6-4, C6-5, streamer recovery.
Parts were very good quality, and included:
Balsa nose cone
BT-20 body ... [More]
2011-01-03Rockets By Style / Scale Rockets Photograph  Saturn V-Apogee.JPG
2011-01-01Estes Solar Flare (Kit)  Review
Note--this review is for the standalone rocket kit, not the starter set package referenced in the prior review. The rocket is a nifty 2-stage (18mm==>13mm) ring-fin design with a clear payload tube, with the booster so well integrated into the design this could easily be mistaken for a ... [More]
2010-12-13Semroc XK-23 (Kit)  Review
This is #3 of 10 "ready to build" models released by Semroc at NARAM-52. The original was one of Semroc's best-selling kits (released in 1970). The original kit introduced an ejection baffle, eliminating the need for wadding and simplifying flight prep. For this kit, the baffle is not included. ... [More]
Semroc Start (Kit)  Review
This is #1 of 10 "ready to build" models released by Semroc at NARAM-52. The design is a Semroc original, though inspired by a Bill Simon/Estes design intended to introduce new modelers to rocketry with a relatively easy to build kit.
Parts were excellent quality, and the sealed bag ... [More]
Semroc Aphelion (Kit)  Review
This is #4 of 10 "ready to build" models released by Semroc at NARAM-52. The original Aphelion was Semroc's 4th production kit, introduced in 1968 and included in their version of a starter set (with launch pad, controller, and engines).
Parts were excellent quality, and the sealed bag ... [More]
Semroc Sky Hook II (Kit)  Review
This is #2 of 10 "ready to build" models released by Semroc at NARAM-52. The design is an upscale of the classic Bill Simon/Estes design that was introduced in 1963 and sold for more than 20 years. For the collectors out there, I'll also point out that in addition to the standard kit, at ... [More]
2010-11-27Semroc Mini Hustler (Kit)  Review
This is #8 of 10 "ready to build" models released by Semroc at NARAM-52. The Mini Hustler is based upon the Lee Piester/Centuri large scale series design but downscaled to fly on 18mm motors. This could also be considered the little brother of Semroc's SLS Hustler and Lil' Hustler models.
... [More]
Semroc Mini Explorer (Kit)  Review
This is one of 10 "ready to build" models released by Semroc at NARAM-52. The Mini Explorer is based upon the Centuri larger scale Explorer, but downscaled to fly on 18mm motors.
Parts were excellent quality, and the sealed bag contained:
Balsa nose cone
Series 10 slotted body tube ... [More]
2010-02-05Semroc astron (Kit)  Review
Semroc is offering up this basic 3FNC as a free gift to new NAR members in 2010, or for a retail price of $11.50
to the rest of us. It's a quick, simple build well suited for beginners.
Parts are excellent quality, and include
Balsa nose ... [More]
2010-01-13FlisKits Decim8 (Kit)  Review
For those that want a bit more of a challenge than the traditional 3FNC, consider the Decim8, which as Nigel Tufnel
would say, goes to eleven, and that's better than 3, innit? This kit is a challenging build rated at skill level 4, but
will reward the careful modeller with a ... [More]
| Chan Stevens |