Video 1 of 353
Published:2011-02-13 21:23:59

Red spray paint in slow motion! T' fins o' t' rocket are gettin' painted, and then watch t' movie t' see t' solvent flashin' out o' t' paint. Well, blow me down! Actually, this movie really shows why professional painters recommend startin' t' paint spray off t' work piece, shiver me timbers, then movin' on, and then past, and t' turnin' off. Well, blow me down! T' reason is, you can see when me arm stops t' move t' other way, arrr, too much paint is applied at t' "stop" spot. Avast! Much better t' have many light, consistent coats, than blotches and runs. Arrr! That's t' long way o' saying, look at me crummy technique.

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