Launched to 379,900 feet (72 miles) on May 17, 2004 by the Civilian Space Exploration Team led by Ky Michaelson and Jerry Larson, and sponsored by GoFast Sports. The rocket was powered by a solid rocket motor built by Derek Deville and Korey Kline. The motor produced a peak thrust of 16,000 lbs accelerating the vehicle at 23 g's. At 10.5 seconds into the flight the vehicle was at about 40,000 feet and traveling at 3,420 mph (Mach 5) setting an amateur speed record. After motor burnout at 49,000 feet the rocket continued to coast upwards for an amazing 330,000 feet over 145 seconds before reaching apogee. All portions of the vehicle were recovered.
Author | d3deville |
Duration | 15 seconds |
Rating | Better |