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All Videos by DaveHein

ART Launch - Sept. 20, 2008 (2011-07-05)

This is a sequence of videos that I captured at the ART launch at Meek Ranch near Fredericksburg, Texas.

Camera Rocket Launched at LDRS (2011-05-29)

This is a video sequence captured by a FlyCamOne2 attached to a LOC-IV Rocket. It was flown at the LDRS in Argonia, Kansas on August 31, 2008. I combined several still frames from this video to produce the composite image at www.flickr.com .

FlyCamOne2 on a LOC-IV (2014-01-17)

This video was taken by a FlyCamOne2 carried on a LOC-IV rocket. It was launched on an Aerotech G77-4.

High Power Rocket Launch (2011-06-26)

Launch of a high power rocket at the AARG launch site near Hutto, Texas on August 18, 2007.

LOC-IV on a G64 with a FlyCamOne2 (2011-11-06)

This video is from a FlyCamOne2 strapped to a LOC-IV rocket. It was launched on a G64-4 motor at the AARG club launch on December 6, 2008.

Quad Pod II - Launch 7 (2011-06-20)

This is the 7th launch of Quad Pod II. It was launch on June 6, 2009 at an AARG club launch. It used an Apogee F10 motor, and reached a height of about 35 feet. Quad Pod II use a gyro chip to maintain the motor mount at a vertical angle. This video was recorded by Monroe King.

Quad Pod II with an F10 Motor (2011-06-28)

This is the fourth launch of the Quad Pod II gyro-controlled rocket. This launch used an Apogee F10 motor.

Video Rocket at LDRS (2011-06-28)

This video was taken by an Aiptek ActionHD camera riding in the nosecone of a LOC Forte'. It was lauched at LDRS 27 in Argonia, Kansas.

Wart-Hog Launch (2011-07-04)

Launch of an Aerotech Wart-Hog at the AARG lauch site at Hutto, Texas on August 18, 2007.