Flight Log - 2014-10-19 - David Reifert's Uber Toober

ModelRockets.us Uber Toober Model Rocket Kit - The ultimate D and E powered tube fin rocket. Easy to build with tube fin construcion. Ideal for your first E or D powered model rocket kit.
The body tube is laser pre-marked for the launch lug and fin locations and the motor mount is pre-marked by laser as well. You do not need a ruler or a knife to assemble the Uber Toober. It can be assembled in about an hour.

The kit is designed for durability with a thicker .025in body tube and 2mil thick parachute.

Includes self-adhesive decals.

Skill level 2 for experienced rocketeers.

Requires a 3/16in launch rod.
Diameter: 1.645in
Length: 22.625in
Nosecone: Polyethelene
Fins: Laser-Cut Fin Tubes
Weight: 2.5oz
Recovery: 12in Parachute

Up to 1000 feet on a D12-5
Up to 1400 feet on a E9-6

Recommended Rocket Motors:
D12-5, E9-6

Flight Date: 2014-10-19
Rocket Name: Uber Toober
Flyer's Name: David Reifert
Motors: E9-6
Expected Altitude: 1,400 Feet
Wind Speed: 4.00 mph
Launch Site: Cuddeback Dry Lake
1Estes E9-6


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