Rocketry Club: Diego Area Rocket Team
Estes 1284 Space Shuttle (2009-09-26)DART San Diego Model Rocketry Club. Launch of a hybrid discontinued Estes #1284 Space Shuttle with Stack. Powered flight achieved utilizing a D12-3 Engine. Note that the Orbiter stays with the Stack ... [View]
Rocket with Camcorder - Fiesta Island 12/12/2010 (2011-04-02)Video and sound from small key chain camcorder attached to rocket that achieves approximately 800 feet altitude at DART launch at Fiesta Island, San Diego, CA on 12/12/2010 [View]
Dynasoar Rocketry Stratodart X RC rocket boosted glider 4+ minute flight (2017-07-22)Dynasoar Rocketry Stratodart X RC rocket boosted glider flight using Aerotech E-6RC 24mm rocket motor, 11.25 oz rtf, 38" long, 23" wingspan. [View]
Last flight of the AeroDart (2006-11-11)My classic '72 EnerJet AeroDart launched w/ a 72-era EnerJet F52 motor. The epoxy bond on foward cap let go, and the rocket shredded. The motor blew out the bottom of the rocket and instantly ... [View]