Blast From The Past: Some Nifty Rocket Display Stands (2017-04-25)In fulfilling my promise to Mrs. BlastFromThePast concerning keeping my model rocketry activities nice and pretty, I have been setting about fashioning some attractive display stands for ... [Read More]
Thrifty Rocketeer: Rocket Rack (2021-03-06)The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues... A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned an interesting set of videos on YouTube by Inverted Pursuits Lab , and they have continued to post short, to the ... [Read More]
DTH Rocket Blog: 50 Things I Do When I'm Bored (2009-10-09)Try to design a rocket on RockSim to break 100,000 ft using K motors Make up polynomials and then factor them Eat a bowl of cereal Try to find shortcuts to evaluate the nth ... [Read More]