| Aerotech ARCAS on an Aerotech G40-7 Motor - CRMRC (2011-06-03)      Launched at a monthly club launch of the Champlain Region Model Rocket Club (CRMRC) on June 12, 2010 from the St. Albans launch site. The 7 second delay turned out to be more like 3 seconds, but no damage from the sudden deceleration occured. www.crmrc.org
 | Estes AMRAAM on an C6-5 Motor - CRMRC (2011-08-30)      Here's an old Estes AMRAAM rocket flying at a monthly club launch of the Champlain Region Model Rocket Club (CRMRC). Launched June 12, 2010 from the St. Albans launch site. www.crmrc.org
 | Estes SNITCH Flying Saucer Rocket - CRMRC (2011-08-30)      Here is my Estes Snitch flying on a C6-5 motor at the monthly launch of the Champlain Region Model Rocket Club - CRMRC. June 12, 2010 St. Albans Vermont. www.crmrc.org
 | Johnny Rockets Flying Saucer on an Aerotech E-25-11 (2011-10-22)      I decided to make a Johnny Rockets paper ketchup bowl into a model flying saucer. It is 4.5" diameter and weighs only 0.4 oz empty. I test flew it on an Estes B6-4 for its first flight. it was perfectly stable and flew straight up with no wobble. On descent it fell straight down with no tumble. OK, let's try a motor that has 8 times the thrust!. An old (discontinued - too bad!) Aerotech E25-11 fit the bill and here is the video. This time it whipped off the pad and flew straight up. On descent it tumbled because of the heavier motor.
 | Lil Rascal High Power Rocket on an Aerotech H123 White Lightning Motor (2011-06-28)      Launched at the CRMRC monthly launch June 19, 2011. This is an all fiberglass kit purchased online from Rocketry Warehouse. Great value and performance.
 | Lil Rascal Onboard Video - Aerotech H118 Classic (2011-10-22)      Launched in St. Albans, Vermont at the July 2011 CRMRC monthly launch, is Dave's Performance Rocketry Lil Rascal all fiberglass rocket which has a Boostervision HD camera strapped to its side.
 | Performance Rocketry Competitor 6 Rocket on KBA L2300G - Barn Landing - CRMRC (2011-07-13)      Tom's L3 certification rocket is a Performance Rocketry Competitor 6 aptly named Climb-Maxx on a 98mm KBA (Kosdon by AeroTech) L2300G Green propellant motor. This 32 pound, 11 foot long, 6" diameter rocket appeared to come off the rod and tip a little before going completely stable. As a result it landed on the farm to the northwest, sliding off the roof of the barn with no damage to either the barn or the rocket. The deployment duties were carried out by both an LCX and RRC2 mini altimeters. You can hear all primary and backup deployment charges go off. Launched at the monthly launch of the Champlain Region Model Rocket Club - CRMRC on June 12, 2010.
 | Performance Rocketry Lil Rascal on an Aerotech H118 Classic (2011-07-29)      Launched in St. Albans, Vermont at the July 2011 CRMRC monthly launch, this Lil Rascal all fiberglass rocket has a Boostervision HD camera strapped to its side.
 | PML MATRIX Ejection Charge Test - 1.25 grams FFFF Black Powder (2012-04-30)      This is the 4th and final recovery component ground test of my newly completed PML MATRIX rocket prior to my NAR Level 1 attempt. It was determined that 1.25 grams of GOEX 4F black powder was sufficient to fully deploy the main parachute. The 3 previous tests showed that 0.4 and 0.5 grams of powder were insufficient to dislodge the nosecone while 0.75 grams did not fully deploy all the recovery components. I used a handheld vaccum pump connected to the avionics bay via 1/4" ID tubing to trigger the PerfectFlight MiniAlt WD altimeter. The same size charge was also used for deployment of the drogue chute in the rear of the rocket. The rocket performed flawlessly.
 | Red Crayon Rocket on a Cesaroni I180 Skidmark Motor - CRMRC (2011-06-25)      Scott's "Hot Red Wax" Crayola Crayon bank converted to a high power rocket with tubular fins. Motor is a 38mm Cesaroni I180 Skidmark. Launched at the monthly launch of the Champlain Region Model Rocket Club - CRMRC. June 12, 2010 St. Albans Vermont.
 | Rocketry Warehouse Formula 75 Flight at Red Glare XII, Price MD (2012-08-09)      Launched on a CTI I345 White Thunder motor to 2700' with a Garmin DC 40 GPS tracker. 8.4 lb launch weight. Camera is a Boostervision 720P HD, 50" parachute was too large so it drifted for about a mile.
 | Unstable!!! Beer Bottle Rocket on Aerotech I115W Motor - CRMRC (2011-06-28)      This is a scratch built 2 foot long Saranac Root Beer bottle rocket. Constructed from a plastic coin bank, it originally flew on a 29mm Aerotech G104 motor and everything was fine. This time it was flown on a much heavier (and more powerful) 54mm Aerotech I115W motor. It was totally unstable due to the excess weight in the rear. It careened through the sky, spiraled and land-sharked. This rocket was flying parallel to the ground as it "landed" in the waist high grass in the field to our west. This slowed it down and kept everything intact as it landed under thrust. Seconds later the parachute ejected on the ground. There was a trail through the grass as to where it flew and grass was wrapped around the forward edge of all the fins, the rail button, and the nosecone. Flown at the June 12, 2010 monthly launch of the Champlain Region Model Rocket Club - CRMRC in St. Albans Vermont.
 | Wildman Rocket with Aerotech J570 White Lightning Motor - CRMRC (2011-06-19)      Here is a blue Wildman rocket launched on June 12, 2010 at the St. Albans Vermont launch site of the Champlain Region Model Rocket Club - CRMRC. Motor is an Aerotech J570 White Lightning. This rocket is dual deploy with a Raven altimeter handling the deployment duties. This rocket has a tracker inside and it was necessary to recover it using the tracker after coming down from 8800 feet (according to the altimeter), as it landed about half a mile away.
 | X-CELERATOR High Power Rocket Onboard Video - CTI J355Red Lightning Motor (2011-07-13)      From NERRF 7, this is Dave Lang's successful Level 2 certification flight on a Performance Rocketry X-CELERATOR all fiberglass rocket designed by Gary Tortora. Motor is a Cesaroni J355 Red Ligntning. Camera is a Boostervision unit. Avionics consisted of a Perfect Flite MiniAlt W/D and Raven II altimeters and a Garmin DC 40 GPS tracker in the nosecone. The rocket flew to 3311 feet.
 | X-celerator Rocket Main Parachute Ejection Charge Test - 1.5 Grams BP (2011-08-19)      This is a recovery system ground test of my newly completed X-celerator rocket. It's a dual deployment setup which ejects a small drogue chute with the forward section at apogee. A larger parachute is ejected as the rocket descends through 500 feet. I calculated 1.5 grams of black powder was necessary to cut the 3 sheer pins and eject the nose cone and main parachute. This proved to be perfect. I wraped the nosecone in bubble wrap to protect the new paint. There are two altimeters (for redundancy) controlling 4 black powder charges. This test was for the Perfectflite MiniAlt WD. The other altimeter is a Raven 2.
 | Yellow Crayon Rocket on Cesaroni H123 Skidmark Motor - CRMRC (2011-06-19)      This is my Crayola Crayon bank converted to a high power rocket. The nearly invisible fins are made of unbreakable Lexan. Motor is a 29mm Cesaroni H123 Skidmark. Motor mount is 38mm with a reducer down to 29mm for this motor. This was the maiden flight using a 9 second delay for chute deployment. I now use a shorter 7 second delay. Launched at the monthly launch of the Champlain Region Model Rocket Club - CRMRC. June 12, 2010 St. Albans Vermont.