Shop @ RocketReviewsEdmonds Aerospace Elcie G-Pack Model Rocket KitAn Inexpensive Group Project The Elcie G package contains the parts to build twelve (12) gliders and one booster that carries three gliders at a time. For schools and youth groups, this provides an economical way to allow each child to fly a glider of their own. All twelve gliders can be flown using just four motors. Each Elcie glider is easily assembled from five laser-cut pieces and requires no adjustment. The three-ship booster has tough plywood mounts for the Elcie's that will last flight after flight. The booster is also easy to build. Give Your Child's Birthday Party a Boost The G-Pack gliders are so quick and easy to build that you might use them as party favors. Start the party with a quick building session, let the models dry while the kids eat and play a few games, then bring out the launcher for a spectacular end to the festivities. You know how much children love the excitement of a flying model. Now you can be creative and bring that excitement into all sorts of activities. Building and Flying the Gliders Only a very simple setup is required for the construction area. The children do not need to cut any parts out, so knives are not required. All assembly can be completed with any glue that works on wood, such as basic Elmers white glue, or yellow glue from the hardware store. If the kids want to decorate their models (and they always do), we recommend that they use felt tip markers. Paint makes the gliders too heavy and the flight less enjoyable. For flying, you need a standard model rocket launcher with a 1/8" rod and a launch controller. You'll need an open area such as a school athletic field. Sorry, this product is currently not available from any of our affiliated merchants. Sponsored Ads |