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Estes Comet Chaser Model Rocket Kit

The Comet Chaser soars over 1,100 feet and is powered by standard engines. Simple to glue and paint, the Comet Chaser deserves to be in your rocket collection or if you are just starting out, it's a great starter rocket. Just a few hours of your time and you'll be ready to go!

Blade SpanRaw:
CP MethodRaw:
CP Position From FrontRaw:
CP Position From RearRaw:
Decals: Waterslide
DecalsRaw: Waterslide
Design (OpenRocket)Raw:
Design (RockSim)Raw:
Design (SpaceCad)Raw:
Diameter: 0.9800 inches
DiameterRaw: 0.9800
Fin Material: Balsa
Fin MaterialRaw: Balsa
Fin SpanRaw:
Length: 14.4000 inches
LengthRaw: 14.4000
Main Body TubeRaw:
Main Nose ConeRaw:
Manufacturer: Estes
ManufacturerRaw: Estes
Model: 003202
ModelRaw: 003202
Motor Size: 18 millimeters
Motor SizeRaw: 18
Nose Cone MaterialRaw:
Original PriceRaw:
Plan (Estes Instructions)Raw:
Plan (JimZ)Raw:
Plan (Other)Raw:
Plan (YORP)Raw:
Power: Low-Power
PowerRaw: Low-Power
Product Type: Kit
Product TypeRaw: Kit
Production YearsRaw:
Recommended Motors: A8-3, B6-4
Recommended MotorsRaw: A8-3, B6-4
Recovery: Parachute
RecoveryRaw: Parachute
Related ProductsRaw:
Skill Level: 1
Skill LevelRaw: 1
StatusRaw: In-Production
Style: Sport
StyleRaw: Sport
Weight: 1.3000 ounces
WeightRaw: 1.3000
Wing SpanRaw:

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