Shop @ RocketReviewsEstes Oracle Video Model Rocket KitThe Estes Oracle Video Rocket takes digital movies from 800 feet high. The Oracle captures digital movies of your rocket lifting off, powering up through the sky, and descending back to earth under a parachute. The easy-to-use video nose cone allows you to capture the movie and then save it on a PC or laptop using the included video software and USB cable. Be the first to email a lift-off Requires Windows-based computer with CD-ROM and USB port. Requires one "AAA" alkaline battery - sold separately. Can be used with the Porta Pad II launch pad and Electron Beam Launch Controller or the Porta Pad E Launch Pad and E Launch Controller. Requires the use of the 3/16" Maxi Rod with either launch pad. Sorry, this product is currently not available from any of our affiliated merchants. Sponsored Ads |