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Estes Renegade-D Model Rocket Kit

The Renegade-D is a futuristic space pirate vehicle. This is truly a sleek, galactic-shaped, multi-fin beauty, and a must-have for all model rocket enthusiasts.

The Skill Level 3 kit has many innovative assembly features including a one-piece main body tube, laser-cut fins and wings, plastic wing pod, a cool molded canopy nose cone, and a pirate-themed waterslide decal set. This rebel is a real standout at the launch field! Great looks aren't all this outlaw has. When launched with a powerful Estes D12-5 engine, this smoking hot, high flying spacecraft can reach heights over 850 feet. This cruiser slowly descends on a large, colorful 18-inch (46 cm) pre-assembled parachute.

  • Length: 26.6 in (67.6 cm)
  • Diameter: 1.64 in (41.7 mm)
  • Weight: 4.3 oz (120.9 g)
  • Fins: Laser-cut Balsa
  • Decals: Water Slide
  • Recovery: 18 in Parachute
  • Skill Level: 3

Recommended Motors: D12-5

Blade SpanRaw:
CP MethodRaw:
CP Position From FrontRaw:
CP Position From RearRaw:
Decals: Waterslide
DecalsRaw: Waterslide
Design (OpenRocket)Raw:
Design (RockSim)Raw:
Design (SpaceCad)Raw:
Diameter: 1.6400 inches
DiameterRaw: 1.6400
Fin Material: Balsa
Fin MaterialRaw: Balsa
Fin SpanRaw:
Length: 26.6000 inches
LengthRaw: 26.6000
Main Body TubeRaw:
Main Nose ConeRaw:
Manufacturer: Estes
ManufacturerRaw: Estes
Model: 2410
ModelRaw: 2410
Motor Size: 24 millimeters
Motor SizeRaw: 24
Nose Cone Material: Plastic
Nose Cone MaterialRaw: Plastic
Original PriceRaw:
Plan (Estes Instructions)Raw:
Plan (JimZ)Raw:
Plan (Other)Raw:
Plan (YORP)Raw:
Power: Low-Power
PowerRaw: Low-Power
Product Type: Kit
Product TypeRaw: Kit
Production YearsRaw:
Recommended Motors: D12-5
Recommended MotorsRaw: D12-5
Recovery: Parachute
RecoveryRaw: Parachute
Related ProductsRaw:
Skill Level: 3
Skill LevelRaw: 3
StatusRaw: In-Production
Style: Futuristic/Exotic
StyleRaw: Futuristic/Exotic
Weight: 4.3000 ounces
WeightRaw: 4.3000
Wing SpanRaw:

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