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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Events / Launches / eXtreme Performance Rocket Ships (XPRS)
High Power Rocket flown in Nevada 2 (2006-12-29)
This is a High Power Rocket (Hy-Po) flown in Nevada. It was flown at Aero-Pac's XPRS in '05. [View]
Daisuke Sakais 4 inch project failure at XPRS 2010 M1315 (2010-10-24)
Video by James Lloyd. Bluetube coupler failure leads to flight failure. XPRS2010 [View]
Rump Aerospace's M to M flight to ~ 50,000 feet (2006-12-29)
Rump Aerospace takes a two stage 3" diameter rocket to almost 50,000 feet in the rich, colorful and exciting black rock desert. Feel the excitement, this video will put you right there, in the mix ... [View]
Our Sept 13-14 Rocket Launches at XPRS, Black Rock Desert, Nevada. Started Muddy from Thursday rain but was great once it dried. [View]
eXtreme Performance Rocket Ship XPRS Meet, Black Rock, NV 2019 (2019-09-22)
Black Rock Nevada XPRS Rocketry Event September, 2019 [View]
Overhead Video Drone Plane at XPRS Rocket Launch (2009-05-01)
The silence of the desert revealed the faint buzz of an overhead video drone. I stepped out of the sun tent for a closer look. Video is from the plane, of course... =) [View]
PBERN L3 Certification XPRS 2017 (2017-09-18)
Successful NAR L3 certification flight. Aerotech M1315W motor. Eggtimer TRS / Quark electronics. Started with a Madcow DX3 XL fiberglass kit, extended to 11' 4" in length. Flight to 14700 ft. [View]
Vidroc 6 flight tests at XPRS 2012 (2012-09-23)
Testing the concept of a camera out on a boom made of Graphite and Brass. Mostly worked - going to develop a more aerodynamic boom for the next tests [View]