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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Motors / Aerotech / F44

 Rocketry Product: Aerotech - F44W Single-Use Motor {Motor}

Estes Solar Warrior F44-8 Complete Onboard Video 7/8/2019 (2019-07-09)
My modified Estes Solar Warrior with onboard MateCam 808 camera...flying on a Aerotech Economax F44-8 White Lightning. Launched by my sweetheart Crystal...thank you baby! [View]
Estes Solar Warrior- Aerotech Economax F44-8 (3 Video Sources) 8/4/2018 (2019-03-07)
Here's my Estes Solar Warrior which I built modified, to launch on E sized BP engines. This launch is on an Aerotech Economax F44-8W (White Lightning). 3 video sources. Onboard video from one of my ... [View]
Jolly Logic Chute Release at SPAAR FIG 07.06.2019 (2019-07-09)
Scratch built rocket powered by Aerotech F44W. Chute released at 300'. Camera is 808 #16 in Additive Aerospace shroud. Video was captured at 1280x720 pixels at 30 frames per second. [View]
Scratch built 24mm model rocket on am Aerotech F44W-8. 1/8th speed, 240 fps (2019-07-24)
You can hear what I believe is the crack of it going supersonic, then almost immediately dropping out. OpenRocket puts max speed at Mach 1.01, 346.6 m/s, 775.4 mph. Never saw the parachute and ... [View]