Shop @ RocketReviewsFlisKits Drake Model Rocket KitFlisKit's Drake features large, forward swept wings with a stylish dorsal fin and ramjet tube along with a large (1.637" Diameter) parachute compartment to ensure clean ejection of your recovery device. Unique and stylish holes placed in the wing tips and the dorsal fin can be left open (stock) or decorated with standard US Quarters for that rich look. The Drake flies on a variety of 24mm motors.
ASINsRaw: AuthorRaw: Blade SpanRaw: CP MethodRaw: CP Position From FrontRaw: CP Position From RearRaw: DecalsRaw: Design (OpenRocket)Raw: Design (RockSim)Raw: Design (SpaceCad)Raw: Designer: Brian McCarthy, Drake Demerau, Jim Flis DesignerRaw: Brian McCarthy, Drake Demerau, Jim Flis Diameter: 1.6370 inches DiameterRaw: 1.6370 Fin Material: Balsa Fin MaterialRaw: Balsa Fin Span: 12.4800 inches Fin SpanRaw: 12.4800 ImageRaw: Length: 28.1200 inches LengthRaw: 28.1200 Main Body TubeRaw: Main Nose ConeRaw: Manufacturer: FlisKits ManufacturerRaw: FlisKits Model: FR004 ModelRaw: FR004 Motor Size: 24 millimeters Motor SizeRaw: 24 Nose Cone Material: Balsa Nose Cone MaterialRaw: Balsa Original PriceRaw: Plan (Estes Instructions)Raw: Plan (JimZ)Raw: Plan (Other)Raw: Plan (YORP)Raw: Power: Low-Power PowerRaw: Low-Power Product Type: Kit Product TypeRaw: Kit Production Years: 2003- Production YearsRaw: 2003- Recommended Motors: C11-3, D12-5, E9-4 Recommended MotorsRaw: C11-3, D12-5, E9-4 Recovery: Parachute RecoveryRaw: Parachute Related ProductsRaw: ScaleRaw: Skill Level: 3 Skill LevelRaw: 3 StatusRaw: In-Production Style: Futuristic/Exotic StyleRaw: Futuristic/Exotic TagsRaw: Weight: 2.4000 ounces WeightRaw: 2.4000 Wing SpanRaw:
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