Shop @ RocketReviewsFlisKits Frick-n-Frack Model Rocket KitThe Frick-n-Frack is a two-stage saucer. You'll surprise everyone at your launch when the Frick-n-Frack stages at 40 or 50 feet in the air, dropping the lower stage and half of her stabilizing plates a the sustainer continues on its way. Featuring low, slow flights, the F-n-F is perfect for small fields and demonstration flights. Your audience and actually witness the staging event as it occurs close to the ground even with the largest motors. You don't have to worry about loosing either part because they are large and the rocket does not fly very high. The F-n-F features six large sheets of precision laser-cut parts including assembly jigs and highly-detailed instructions. In spite of all the parts, the Frick-n-Frack is an easy build. Be sure, however, to launch your Frick-n-Frack in very low winds. Saucer rockets have a tendency to weather-cock (turn into the wind) a great deal and multi-stage saucers are even MORE prone to do this. Always launch your Frick-n-Frack in dead calm and always pointed STRAIGHT up.
Recommended Motors: B6-0, C6-0 / B6-0, C6-0
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