Shop @ RocketReviewsFlisKits Nomad Model Rocket KitThe Nomad is three-staged model rocket. The first stage is powered by a mighty 24mm motor (C11-0 or D12-0) to lift this large rocket off the pad fast enough to ensure a safe altitude and speed for subsequent stages to take over. This three-stager is sure to fly out-of-site, so be certain to fly it on a calm day and have several people watch the flight. You'll need to assign someone to watch each booster so you don't lose them. The Nomad is 47.8" long which allows it to use very small fins on the second and third stages. This helps keep drag down, promising greater altitude, and allows the rocket to be flown in two-stage or single-stage configurations. The second stage is transitioned so that the second and third stage fins form a single fin. On the pad, the rocket looks like it only has two stages. The kit includes a streamer which you'll want to use to ensure recovery of the upper stage. But, if you have a large launch field or a hard landing area, the kit also comes with a bright FlisKits 16" parachute.
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