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FlisKits Rhino Model Rocket Kit

FlisKits designed the Rhino as a rocket to help educators. The kit is designed to be simple to build yet teach important skills required to construct model rockets. The kit provides two different fin designs to allow each student to customize the appearance of the rocket.

Producing slow, realistic takeoffs, this large model is a perfect small field rocket. It doesn't fly very high and returns on a brightly colored FlisKits parachute.

The instructions include a detailed section on hints and tips to help beginners learn from the model building experience.

  • Length: 24.5 in
  • Diameter: 1.637 in
  • Fin Span: 10.5 in
  • Weight: 2.49 oz.

Recommended Motors: B4-4, B6-4, C6-5

Blade SpanRaw:
CP Method: Rocksim/Rocksim
CP MethodRaw: Rocksim/Rocksim
CP Position From Front: 20.7800 inches
CP Position From FrontRaw: 20.7800
CP Position From RearRaw:
Design (OpenRocket)Raw:
Design (RockSim)Raw:
Design (SpaceCad)Raw:
Diameter: 1.6370 inches
DiameterRaw: 1.6370
Fin MaterialRaw:
Fin Span: 10.5000 inches
Fin SpanRaw: 10.5000
Length: 24.5000 inches
LengthRaw: 24.5000
Main Body TubeRaw:
Main Nose ConeRaw:
Manufacturer: FlisKits
ManufacturerRaw: FlisKits
Model: SP006
ModelRaw: SP006
Motor SizeRaw:
Nose Cone Material: Balsa
Nose Cone MaterialRaw: Balsa
Original PriceRaw:
Plan (Estes Instructions)Raw:
Plan (JimZ)Raw:
Plan (Other)Raw:
Plan (YORP)Raw:
Product Type: -Undefined-
Product TypeRaw: -Undefined-
Production YearsRaw:
Recommended Motors: B4-2, B6-2, C6-5
Recommended MotorsRaw: B4-2, B6-2, C6-5
Recovery: Parachute
RecoveryRaw: Parachute
Related ProductsRaw:
Skill Level: 1
Skill LevelRaw: 1
Style: Sport
StyleRaw: Sport
Weight: 2.4900 ounces
WeightRaw: 2.4900
Wing SpanRaw:

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