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Skill Level 3
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FlisKits U.S.S. Grissom Model Rocket Kit

The U.S.S. Grissom is the pride of the FlisKits fleet of model rockets! At 30.6" tall, it is the tallest mini-engine powered bird in our fleet, but that's only the start. Unlike other models that have employed ducted ejection gasses, the U.S.S. Grissom has the narrowest profile of them all, giving it one of the most graceful appearances in model rocketry today. The inclusion of solar panels and it's impressive length to diameter ratio makes this one of the most stable model rockets you'll ever fly. Add to that a highly detailed set of water slide decals and you have a model that will stand out from all the rest!

The U.S.S. Grissom is a complex model to construct, but is not beyond even a novice modeler, as the assembly instructions allow for simplified construction, such as ellimination of the solar panels, reducing it's skill level to 3.

  • Length: 30.6 in
  • Diameter: 0.541 in
  • Fin Span: 4.7 in
  • Weight: 1.64 oz
  • Skill Level: 3 / 4

Recommended Motors: A10-3T

Blade SpanRaw:
CP MethodRaw:
CP Position From FrontRaw:
CP Position From RearRaw:
Decals: Waterslide
DecalsRaw: Waterslide
Design (OpenRocket)Raw:
Design (RockSim)Raw:
Design (SpaceCad)Raw:
Diameter: 0.5410 inches
DiameterRaw: 0.5410
Fin MaterialRaw:
Fin Span: 4.7000 inches
Fin SpanRaw: 4.7000
Length: 30.6000 inches
LengthRaw: 30.6000
Main Body TubeRaw:
Main Nose ConeRaw:
Manufacturer: FlisKits
ManufacturerRaw: FlisKits
Model: FR003
ModelRaw: FR003
Motor Size: 13 millimeters
Motor SizeRaw: 13
Nose Cone MaterialRaw:
Original PriceRaw:
Plan (Estes Instructions)Raw:
Plan (JimZ)Raw:
Plan (Other)Raw:
Plan (YORP)Raw:
Power: Low-Power
PowerRaw: Low-Power
Product Type: Kit
Product TypeRaw: Kit
Production YearsRaw:
Recommended Motors: A10-3T
Recommended MotorsRaw: A10-3T
Recovery: Parachute
RecoveryRaw: Parachute
Related ProductsRaw:
Skill Level: 4
Skill LevelRaw: 4
Style: Futuristic/Exotic
StyleRaw: Futuristic/Exotic
Weight: 30.6000 ounces
WeightRaw: 30.6000
Wing SpanRaw:

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