Fort Lewis College First Nations Launch Team Demo Launch 20200215 (2020-08-07)Fort Lewis College First Nations Launch Team launching their demo rocket on a B motor, and also a "payload test" launch of a 4" rocket on a G motor. A payload was ejected at apogee and the main ... [View]
James Ranch Rockets 20190316 (2019-03-17)A few of the launches with the local TARC team and some Fort Lewis College students. The in-flight video is from a Madcow Apache 38mm rocket flying on a 29mm G64. The main deployed at 333' and the ... [View]
Nike Skyhawk 20180819 (2018-08-22)First high-power launch at the Old Fort Lewis site. The rocket is a 4" Nike booster from Madcow. The payload bay, upper section and nosecone were scratch built by Fort Lewis Space Grant students. ... [View]