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All Videos by g2rockets

Jefferson county 4H rocketry 2nd launch eclipse (2011-12-06)

Garret launches his 4h rocket the Eclipse on 3 D12-5s. It went 790 feet.

Nebraska Pickrell Thor Fire On The Farm 2011 3 (2011-12-06)

Gavins 3rd launch of his Loc Precision Pro Nuke Maxx called BIOHAZZARD. Launched on a CTI G88 Smokey Sam to an altitude of 921 ft.

Nebraska Pickrell Thor Fire On The Farm 2011-2 (2011-06-03)

Gavin's second launch of his LOC Precision pro nuke maxx that he calls BIOHAZARD. Launched on a Aerotech G64 to an altitude of 1301ft. This is his 4H Rocket.

Nebraska Pickrell Thor Fire On The Farm Launch 2011-1 (2011-06-03)

Gavin's First launch of his LOC Precision pro nuke maxx that he calls BIOHAZARD. Launched on a Aerotech G53 to an altitude of 952ft. This is his 4H Rocket.

Pickrell Nebraska Thor Bob Launch 2010 2 (2011-06-25)

Public Missiles IO launched on an Aerotech G53

Thor Pickrell Nebraska Fire OnThe Farm launch 2011 4 (2011-12-07)

This is an onboard view of my Wildman Mini Dark Star on a CTI G88 smokey sam at the 2011 Fire on the farm launch. April 17 2011.