Construction Rating: | starstarstarstarstar |
Overall Rating: | starstarstarstarstar |
Published: | 2011-10-16 |
Manufacturer: | Performance Rocketry |
The GIZMO XL from Performance Rocketry is the all new 8" upscaled version of their smaller 5" Gizmo. This baby is one beast of rocket and is sure to turn some heads at any launch.
Coming from Performance Rocketry you can rest assured this is one quality kit.
Like with any fiberglass kit all that's needed is a good sanding to any of the parts that are getting epoxy.
With the Gizmo XL everything went together perfectly, All the parts were precision cut and the fins come with a beautifully beveled leading edge.
With any rocket the finish is totally up to the builder, For the G12 Gizmo XL, though, a light sanding a good coat of primer and a top coat of the color of your choice is all that's needed.
As with all short fat rockets you'll have to pay particular attention to your CP & CG ratio, Be sure to do your home work on these calculations as they won't be the same for every rocket, What motors you plan to fly and the your individual build techniques will be determining factors in how much nose weight you may need.
In summary, the GIZMO XL is one heck of a kit at one heck of a price, All G12 and G10 components, 8" Diameter, 52" tall and a 75mm Motor mount add up to one formidable beast.