Flight Log - 2011-09-22 - Hans "Chris" Michielssen's Carded Downscale Centuri Astro 1

Carded downscale of the classic Centuri Astro 1. Three ply carded fins, printed wrap for the BT-5 body tube. Balsa nose cone with a washer weight and streamer recovery.

Flight Date: 2011-09-22
Rocket Name: Carded Downscale Centuri Astro 1
Flyer's Name: Hans "Chris" Michielssen
Motors: MPC 1/2A3-5
Expected Altitude: 500 Feet
Launch Site: Schoolyard Soccer field

Good first flight of the morning. High up, there was a little bit of wind and the model came down into the nearby school parking lot. No damage.

1Estes 1/2A3T-5


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