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Flight Log - 2011-11-10 - Hans "Chris" Michielssen's Quest Striker AGM

A big scale-like model for 18mm engines. I've since found out it is based on a design from the Enertek catalog, but was never produced.

Flight Date: 2011-11-10
Rocket Name: Quest Striker AGM
Kit Name: Quest - Striker AGM {Kit}
Flyer's Name: Hans "Chris" Michielssen
Motors: Estes B6-4
Expected Altitude: 325 Feet
Launch Site: Schoolyard Soccer field

The new Quest STRIKER was first up with an Estes B6-4. I would guess the altitude was around 325 feet at the parachute ejection.

When I picked it up I noticed a fin had broken off!
I walked the direction of where the wadding landed and found the fin along the way.
I can only assume it was hit with the nose cone at ejection.
You can see how it broke off at the plastic reducer. The instructions tell you to glue the fins on with medium CA, it didn't hold!
The upper strake (balsa glued to the tube) held strong!

1Estes B6-4


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