First Launch of Full Scale Hellfire at MDRA (2017-07-22)First launch of my full scale Hellfire rocket at MDRA Higgs Farm. This was a 58 pound rocket - 50 lbs which was in the nosecone for stability - it is a missile design afterall. This first launch was ... [View]
Full Scale Hellfire Launch #2 - MDRA Rocketry (2017-07-22)2nd Launch of the Full Scale Hellfire at MDRA. [View]
Fullscale Hellfire Missile flying on aerotech I-200W rocket motor (2016-04-10)Fullscale Hellfire Missile flying on aerotech I-200W rocket motor, 7" diameter 5.5# ready to fly. Constructed of depron foam stringers, centering rings and skin and a 29mm motor tube for a spine. ... [View]