Page 7 of 7 - Pictures


Decals Decals Decals
Pic 39: Decals Pic 40: Decals Pic 41: Decals
Ready In the Air Close Up
Pic 42: Ready

Loaded with a G38-4 and two Aerotech Drag Queen 30" nylon parachutes.

I also used rail buttons offset from center since the nose cone is angled down.

Pic 43: Launch

She WAS stable! It was very nice to only about 300 feet.

Upon ejection the nose cone did separate and land on its own parachute. The body parachute did not deploy.

Pic 44: Close Up

Upon landing the upper fin cracked (in the most vulnerable spot). It will fly again after I repair the fin. But you won't get too many out of this with the balsa fins.

I think I would recommend a stronger fin and more nose weight, but it just might not be possible in higher powers!

Here's my 2nd flight on a G38-4 VIDEO - MPEG

The end!

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