2010 Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) (2010-06-29)This is a video of the 2010 Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) hosted by the Experimental Sounding Rocket Association (ESRA). Four schools entered, BYU, Embry Riddle, UCLA and ... [View]
Rocket launch Green River Utah (2009-02-26)This is the launch of the "Trout", a 20-foot long hybrid rocket built by Utah State University students. It was launched during the first Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition in January ... [View]
2019 SA Cup: High Power But Slow Motion Rockets (2019-08-26)This video contain many rockets from the 2019 SA Cup and IREC Event. Chronos was kind enough to sponsor our event and film dozens of rockets. This is pretty much the raw combination of all their ... [View]
COBRA Rocketry - 2018/19 Crowdfunding Video (2018-12-14)Help us reach our $10,000 goal and support COBRA in building a rocket for IREC 2019! Link to the campaign: https://www.colorado.edu/crowdfunding/?cfpage=project&project_id=23459 [View]
Colorado State University ARIES II Hybrid Rocket Launch June 2016 (2020-07-11)This is a video of the launch of ARIES II, the Colorado State University entry into the 2016 Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition. The rocket was powered by a hybrid rocket motor that used ... [View]
GoPro: Experimental Rockets to 30,000 Feet (2018-05-18)Deep in the New Mexico desert, strap in for the Spaceport America Cup, Intercollegiate Rocket Competition where 10-50 foot tall experimental rockets launch to altitudes of 30,000 feet. Max ... [View]
IREC 2016 - 10k Launch (2016-11-01)This is a short video from the Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition near Green River, Utah. We launched on June 18th around 12:45pm (MT). [View]
IREC 2018 launch compilation (2018-06-30)Almost every launch at the 2018 IREC / Spaceport America Cup. Timestamps below. I did my best to make the video information accurate but I'm sure there's a few errors, if you find one please comment ... [View]