Rocketry Product: Public Missiles - Io {Kit}
First Flight of Public Missiles Limited Io Rocket (2010-03-05)A Public Missiles Io Rocket is shown at it's first launch on February 28, 2010 at the OROC Rocknech Event in Tillamook, Oregon. The rocket was built and flown by Richard Bremer using an Aerotech ... [View]
L1 Certification attempt (2011-05-15)A brief video of my first L1 cert attempt. A PML Io on an Aerotech H123W. A beautiful flight up and down. Sadly, the nosecone ring failed and detached. Recovered it all and look forward to my next ... [View]
NAR L1 Cert Flight (2011-05-17)A brief video of my first L1 cert attempt. A PML Io on an Aerotech H123W. A beautiful flight up and down. Sadly, the nosecone ring failed and detached. Recovered it all and look forward to my next ... [View]
PML Io Dual Deploy Rocket at 2010 OROC September Sage Xtreme (2010-09-11)Video depicting the launch of my Public Limited Missiles LTD. Io rocket that I built for dual parachute deployment. This rocket was launched on 09/04/2010 at the OROC September Sage Xtreme event in ... [View]
Pickrell Nebraska Thor Bob Launch 2010 2 (2010-10-18)Public Missiles Io launched on an Aerotech G53 [View]
Purple People Eater Rocket 1-30-10 (2010-01-31)Modified PML IO for dual deploy. H210 red line motor. Main set at 700 AGL and apogee was at 2057'. Oh, and the time/date stamp on the bottom right is NOT correct - which is why I have that little ... [View]
Tripli Vegas - December 2019 Launch (2019-12-22)0:05 - Madcow Formula 38 - Aerotech G53FJ 0:18 - Aerotech - G75 Metalstorm 0:32 - Scratch Built - Aerotech H100 - L1 Cert Flight 0:48 - Tomahawk - Aerotech F52 Blue Thunder 0:57 - LOC Viper III - 3 ... [View]