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Rocketry Videos

Videos / Motors / Aerotech / J570
Shazam III 3 Stage High Power Rocket (2006-12-18)
This 3 stage rocket flew perfectly. J570 to J350 to I161. Two onboard computers - Adept ES236 stager and Adept DDCS2 dual deployment performed great. My compliments to Tom Monteymayor who's "Three's ... [View]
NAR Level 2 flight on a Aerotech J570W (2010-07-13)
Hey folks this was my level 2 flight on sunday July 11th in Leonard, Ok with Tulsa Rocketry. I launched with a Always Ready Rocketry 3 inch Blue Phenix and it went to an altitude of 4,995 ft on a ... [View]
Blue Angels DX3 Rocket on AeroTech J570W to 5,096' AGL (2018-04-24)
8.75 lbs of rocket, 28 Gs of acceleration AeroTech 38/1080 RMS J570W Class 2 Iowa farm flight under FAA CoA / NOTAM All credit to Aaron Tippin! [View]
Impulse Buys (2012-11-06)
A scratch-built model rocket called 'Impulse Buys' attempting to air start multiple motor combinations. Flying on a central Aerotech M-1550 Redline, air-starting two Aerotech H-170 Metalstorms, two ... [View]
Iowa Rocket Launches, AeroTech I327 DM & J570W (2017-12-31)
Scratch built Moo Cow & Fat Boy upscale rockets [View]
LOC Big Nuke - J570W (2016-04-28)
LOC/Precision Big Nuke 3E on a J570W. URRG 4/23/2016 Launch. L2 Certification flight [View]
Wildman Jart 4-inch and Aerotech J570W (2018-06-17)
At the 16 June 2018 MDRA launch at the sod farm [View]