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All Videos by jamesfdougherty

1/2 Scale Patriot - AMW N4000 Blue Babboon (2011-09-20)

SSS Springblast/GHS Launch, April 25th 2009. Buckeye AZ, 10393' AGL

1/2 Scale Patriot - N5800-CTI (C-Star) (2011-10-13)
LDRS 29 N10,000 1/2 Scale Patriot (MIM-104) Drag Race (2011-05-29)

Jack Garibaldi and James Dougherty duke it out at LDRS 29 with identical half-scale Patriot missiles flying with Cesaroni N10,0000 motors.

M4770 CATO - Intimidator-5 (2011-09-22)

Performance Rocketry Intimidator-5 flying with an M4770 which CATO's right after lift-off. Fincan and payload section recovered, rocket will fly again.

Mongoose 150 O-5150 BALLS 19 (2011-06-22)

Mongoose 150 flown on Kimball Tuckers O-5150 EX motor. Mach-2, 38807' AGL (3190.5' AGL at launch site). Special thanks to Kimball, Jack, James, Robert and Mike.

P6800 Static Test (2011-05-29)

P6800 Final Static Test

P7295 - sweet success (2011-05-29)

Kimball Tucker's second static test and success!

Pegasus-II AT N1000 BALLS 19 (2011-09-05)

My high-altitude rocket at BALLS19. 40649' AGL (44576' MSL). Mach 1.7 11649' AGL (15575' MSL).

Pegasus-III -BALLS19, CTI N5800 Breakin Mach 4 (2011-10-13)
Thumper - AMW N2801 Skidmark (2011-05-29)

Jack Garibaldi's Polecat Aerospace Thumper flying an N2801 Skidmark. One of the last motors built by Paul Robinson of AMW fame before he passed away.