All Videos by jgroverman

J418TTS-1.avi (2011-06-24)

Squirrely flight to 7200 feet on a 3 grain 54mm experimental motor at the April perchlorathon. (Ignore date)

M2000 Solid Composite Rocket Motor (2011-05-29)

Static test of a 98mm composite rocket motor.

On-board rocket video (2011-05-29)

Flight to 19800', dual recording altimeters with GPS tracking. 4" 4 grain APCP motor.

On-board video from my rocket at LDRS 29 (2011-07-29)

My rocket flying on an experimental 76-6000 load over 12600 feet and 1300 feet per second.

Rocket flight over 20k feet (2011-08-31)