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Who's Who >> |
Joe MagginnisAKA: MrJoeM Location: Seymour, IN Certification Level: L2 TRA Club Memberships: NAR, Amoria, BGS, ROCI, Favorite Rockets: T-Bird, Commanche, Patriot Biography: Been into Model Rocketry Since 1964. Curently L2 in both NAR & TRA. Have attended Narcon and other Nar functions. Celebrated Bluegrass Rocket Society 10th anniversity by donating almost all of the rockets given out at function Established latest Web page @ www.kyrocketry.com. Established ashasta web site where I list all the rockets I have built and flown.
Favorite Quote: Smell the Smoke, L2 to L3
Personal Home Page: http://ashasta_sadie.com Club Home Page: http://kyrocketry.com What You Can Do